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Mountain Bike
Adventure racing (AR) is a multi-disciplinary sport. Like in a triathlon, the races involve several different disciplines.
typically consisting of (but not limited to): mountain biking, paddling, trekking/running.
Unlike triathlons, racers compete on teams and can choose their own route through the course,
relying on teamwork and navigation skills to move as fast as possible over the varied terrain.
Races can expand between a short 4-6 hours to 10 days in length.
Being the unique sport that it is, it's one of the few where
amateurs and elites race side by side on the same course.
In his What The @#%^ is Adventure Racing? blog post, Stephen Thompson, member of our Bend Racing professional team wrote:
"My first Adventure Race struck me like a spiritual bitch-slap from life with an unforgettable sting
that exclaimed “Hey, you know that thing you’ve been looking for? That thing
that puts everything else in perspective and pushes you
to be more and do more than you think you can?
Well here it is!” And I liked it."
Are you ready to join us?

Short answer: The greatest sport in the world.
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