mark sky
A recently certified Plant Based Nutritionist specializing in Exotic SuperFoods for Athletes, Mark is also a Vegan Endurance Coach, a former stuntman for film and television, an avid skydiver, and a bungee jump master (he has jumped over 200 times!). Born in Poland, Mark grew up in Southern Ontario. He also lived on the Gold Coast of Australia for 3 years and in Queenstown, New Zealand for 3 years before moving to British Colombia where he calls Squamish home. Mark got involved in adventure racing after reading Travis Macy’s, “The Ultra Mindset” and says his favorite aspect of racing is the combination of mountain biking, mountain running, paddling and orienteering all in one race. When he is not racing or training, he enjoys rock climbing, teaching plant-based nutrition, and thinking about AR. Known to fart a lot when racing, Mark said, “It must be all my vegan food.”