Boom! We are dropping some serious AR news here. Talk about firsts. Well here we go - Swimrun has become more popular in the last few years, and is currently making it's second showing in an ARWS race right now at Expedition Guarani in Paraguay. We like new things.
And truth be told - the massive snowpack this year has left us with some interesting course challenges. But instead of fighting it, we'll embrace it.
It is now required that all teams bring fat bikes, or at least modify their existing Mountain Bikes to have minimum 4" tires. Most carbon 29" frames can fit a 26"x4" set-up, and carbon can easily be sanded out to make that fork a little wider without losing too much strength in the fork. It will be a bit more a challenge to fit them into the ARWS bike boxes and keep them under the 50lb limit, but AR is all about problem solving.
Also, since the first paddle leg is still completely covered in snow and ice, teams will be allowed to trek or swim (under the ice) to make progress until the water opens up in the river systems. A drysuit or scuba wetsuit is required to stay warm. Scuba tanks are allowed, and at the minimum a snorkel is required.
Racers will be breaking some amazing boundaries in human potential to even survive the first three stages of the event. Hats off to all those who try.
Finally we recommend that you all make sure you are practicing the Wim Hoff techniques.
Enjoy the first day of April! And click here for a course secret.
ARWS rules have been updated to reflect minimum water immersion times and temperatures. These will be tested at check in. Intermittent rewarming by teammates and hot drinks is allowed.