Hi Racers!
We've gotten a few questions about bike boxes, paddle bags, and course outlines so we thought we'd put them together in one place.
Please also be sure to go back and read through all collateral we have sent (newsletters, logistics emails, etc.) as these few items here are, of course, only a very small portion of important information. Information on space blankets, trekking gear, climbing gear, and more are outlined in the newsletters, which are on the main Expedition Oregon page as well as in this forum. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to bendracingor@gmail.com.
Bike Boxes
As is standard in ARWS rules, all racers must have a bike box for use during the race. These are limited to the standard ARWS dimensions of 140cm x 80cm x 30cm. Cardboard boxes are acceptable, although they may get wet. Corrugated plastic is preferable. We find that 4 or 6mm Corflute plastic is adequate and 8mm is a bit overkill. The Corflute can be found in large sheets at most sign shops, as it is what outdoor yard signs (political signs) are generally made of.
Here are the PLANS that got us all started back in the day. NOTE: these plans are slightly different dimensions, so you must adjust them to 140x80x30 which is the new standard size.
Paddle Bags
The paddle bags are 30x40 inches. Each person on the team will get their own.
Course Outline/Overview
We will release a course outline a week before the race, likely sometime around May 21st. This should help finalize packing before we see you out here in Bend!